On October 3rd 2017, the multi partie caucus on climate change organised a series of activities on the parliamentary hill to inform and raise awareness for the deputies and senators of all political allegiances, on issues related to climate change and adaptation measures.
Recently, a group of 80 Canadian searchers grouped under the name of “Dialog for a green Canada” have produced, an independent scientific report, requested by Natural Resources Canada about the energy transition to a low-carbon economy.
The report points out the importance of focusing on energy efficiency thus the thematic of the conference: “Energy efficiency”.
The speakers were:
Catherine Potvin, Dialog for a green Canada and Canada Research Chair on Climate Change and Tropical Forests
Carl Binette, president of Aéronergie which mission is reducing the energy bill and GHG emissions by air treatment. The company offers energy savings turnkey solutions.
Amanda Marlin, executive director of EOS Eco-Energy Inc., which aims to transform the Tantramar region, in southeastern of New Brunswick, into a model for energy saving, renewable energy and planning. For a sustainable community.
Robert Spencer, a board member of Beach Community Energy Co-operative, which installs solar panels on schools in the Toronto surroundings, allowing them to produce one third of their annual electricity consumption.